Monday, July 7, 2008

Off the grid in Greenbelt, MD

Many of you know that I have been in our nation's capitol this holiday weekend. My accommodations were:

I will get to my actual adventures in a moment. For now, some comments on my campsite and the philosophy of camping in general.

Not the best camping accommodations I have ever had, but sufficient for my needs. Rather buggy (I think I got a tick. Should I be worried?). Rather rainy (Yeah super tent!). But close to the Metro. Good enough. I wouldn't recommend it for camping, but good if you are into being a gaper in D.C. on the cheap.

HOWEVER this was the state of the camping site when I arrived:

Trash. Left behind. By some asshole. Yes. Those are man panties. Left behind. What the fuck? I have always had the highest regard for campers. Those I know and those I have encountered know the code. This was highly disappointing. Don't ever, EVER be this asshole. And for all I know there were multiple assholes.


Yes. I cleaned up the man panties. With a stick. So gross. And of course all the other trash. And left none of mine. Duh.

For more on this philosophy, go here. This man has traveled much further than I, and seen much worse. A good read.


Catalyst said...

Happy America Day!

You should be a little concerned about the tick and Lyme disease. Did you remove it? A lot of people say covering them in Vaseline will kill them and cause them to fall out, but I've gotten them out with tweezers before.

Deer ticks, which are the Lyme carrying ones, are large (size of pinky fingernail). If you are bitten by a carrier, you'll develop a bulls-eye (ringed) rash around the spot.

Kevin's biting me. Here's info on spirochetes.

unknown legend said...

Nah, It was teeny tiny. Like smaller than those pesky ants in Oakland. And yes, removed. It was right one the surface. Lasting affects so far are the heebie jeebies.

unknown legend said...
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Catalyst said...


Glad to hear it. Heepie jeebies can be easily treated with various imaginary ointments and unguents.