Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have Sirius ADD. Here is the soundtrack to the first leg of my trip: Oakland to Tucson. Each of these songs was meaningful in someway so far, either symbolically or contextually.

She- Green Day- Oakland, CA
Don’t Lose Touch, Against Me, Oakland CA
Welcome to the Jungle, GNR, Leaving L.A.
Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles, Palm Springs, CA
Story of my Live, Social D.- Palm Springs, CA
Fuck and Run, Liz Phair, CA
Business Time, Flight of the Concords, CA
Graceland, Paul Simon, Chiriaco Summit, CA
Go Your Own Way, Fleetwood Mac, CA
Rearviewmirror, Pearl Jam, CA
Getting Better, The Beatles, Quartzite, CA
One, Metallica, CA
Don’t Stop Believing, Journey, AZ
Live and Let Die, GNR, Phoenix, AZ
American Girl, Tom Petty, Pheonix, AZ
Walk of Life, Dire Straits, Chandler, AZ
Here Comes Your Man, Pixies, Chandler, AZ
Space Oddity, David Bowie, Casa Grande, AZ
Let it Be, Beatles, Tucson, AZ
Me and Bobby McGee, Tucson AZ
Closer I am to Fine, Indigo Girls, Tucson, AZ
Amie, Pure Prairie League, Tucson, AZ

And for all the Californians out there:



Heather & Jacob said...

Not so much - been walkin & bikin :)


unknown legend said...

Damn. that's right. many of my california friends don't use gas anyways. damn hippies. how do you expect to stimulate the economy if you don't buy gas? what do you think that $600 bush gave us was for? vegetables?

Catalyst said...

Damn right I'm jealous! $13 for an 18 pack of Bud! Bring back several please.

benkyler said...

Hey, just paid $4.65 today in Auburn, and that was a deal. You're right, I'm jealous. But to hell with any Bud out there in the sticks. Us badasses in Cali have infinite supply of Sierra Nevada, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Take that! Safe travels A!!