Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Greetings from Upland, CA

Okay, not the glamorous first stop I had hoped for, but I have to fulfill family obligations and good-byes before really setting out.

I had to put off leaving for one day because I simply wasn't quite ready to leave Oakland. My first big glitch occurred when my planned subletter simply stopped calling me back. I had hoped to meet with him last Wednesday to exchange money and keys. We agreed to meet Wednesday night and then I never heard from him again. You'd think I'd be used to being let down by man-boys by now, but no.

So, I took an extra day to leisurely clean, enjoy the sunshine, listen to records and jking's beautiful music, and visit with jking and his amazing friend D. jking was so helpful and D is just a wonderful person with a spirit that shines through the tragic circumstances of her life right now.

I woke up yesterday around 4:30 and did my last minute chores and packing. jking and I said good-bye as we prepared to depart in opposite directions. A good-bye that has symbolism which may only apparent to me, but an important last human good-bye. Then said good-bye to the Jonah. I'll admit it. I cried. Saying good-bye to a cat. I'm such a weirdo.

I left my foggy residence at 7:20 am and made it to West Covina by 1:00. I scooped up my grandma so we could go see my cousin's new baby, Eliana, in Upland. Me holding a baby. Now that is something you don't see everyday. The baby looks about as uncomfortable as I felt.

Miles traveled: 388.4
Gas $: 62.20


Coodence said...

Nice Dude! Bon Voyage!

benkyler said...

That's so rad! Can't wait for the adventure to continue. Let us ride along vicariously through your eyes. Take care Amy and much peace, love and happiness to you!!