Monday, July 6, 2009

Première nuit en France

No pics today football fans, but wanted to recount my first day in France while still fresh in my mind.

Dr. S is in charge of the alarm clock situation, so when I heard alarm clocky noise from her side of the bed and then no one got up I thought I would be the Rock Star of the group and get the day moving. (I guess technically that is anti-Rock Star behavior....) After a refreshing shower I started to get ready for the days travels and then checked the actual time: 4:45 a.m. Drat.

Six hours later we boarded the Eurostar Train through the Chunnel to Paris. Very nice travel option I must say. Smooth ride, very comfortable seats. Highly recommend it. The three of us did have to behave, however, since we shared our seating cubby with a gem dealer from from Sri Lanka.

Upon departure we had to immediately figure out another train system to get to our destination. By we I mean they. I have relinquished the power to them as far as navigation in this capacity. They are meticulous and we always seem to get to where we are supposed to go. And to many cooks in the kitchen etc....

In their capable hands we managed to get from Paris to St. Germain-en-Laye, a historical city outside of Paris. Birthplace of Claude Debussy and home of Alexandre Dumas, both personal favorite Frenchman of mine. Also the home of TMs Aunt and her wonderful family who are graciously housing us during the French portion of our adventure.

Mother and daughter prepared an exquisite home cooked meal for us consisting of some sort of homemade ginger soup, veal, roast beef, wine, fresh baked breads, a variety of cheeses and a raspberry tart. We ate out on their deck over a beautiful back yard. Just lovely. Great food. Great company. Best meal thus far.

If you have any suggestions for Paris, please send them our way. And don't say the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower, I mean really. Some originality people.

1 comment:

Heather & Jacob said...

Hi Amy - I am desperate for you to visit the Musée Galliéra - Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris and take photos!
