Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Its time...

Seriously people. Mark your calenders. November 4th. If nothing else, all of this will be over:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Do I still have 5 friends?

Its been a long time football fans. I've been out watching football (Go Bears!). What have you been up to?

So in the event that 5 people still read this blog:

This guy I know refuses to vote. REFUSES. His argument being that he is content... Don't be that guy. He so just lost a shot at the A-train. Voting is sexy people. Duh.

Thanks to Cod for posting this first. She is so avant-garde. AND she just completed the boob walk last weekend! What have you done for boobs lately?

Sorry my blog has been so blahg lately. I'll try to do better...