... I was walking on this lonely road.
Getting tired of dreaming alone.
Like all the lonely people I had known.
-Jim Croce
Somehow his beautiful words spoke to me today. (Just this verse. The rest of the song, while awesome, has NOTHING to do with my life these days). Perhaps this phrase came to mind because the sun has finally set on my Amellerica Adventures. Maybe because much of this journey was spent alone, sometimes lonely (mostly just alone). Maybe due to some of the reactions I have received upon my return by the people in my real life, especially in relation to doing this journey by myself...
I gotta tell you football fans, I wouldn't have done it any other way. I truly believe this experience would have had a lesser impact had I had a traveling companion (even that imaginary dog I won't shut up about).
To know for certain that I can totally depend on myself while, at the same time, knowing that I am not the only person I can depend on, that I have so many wonderful people in my life, both old and new, both near and far, its liberating.
I feel fantastic! I feel energized. I feel loved. I feel like I am finally realizing who I am and actualizing my fullest potential. Those closest to me have detected positive change. Those furthest from me recognize that I am the true American Bad Ass. (Did I just compare myself to Kid Rock?)
Before I launch into the more superfical, VH1 like entry of this blog, let me just encourage y'all to appreciate your alonelyness. (And, now I'm like Bush, violating the English language. Stalker strikes again). What I mean by alonelyness is that the act of being alone does not have to result in loneliness.
Take yourself to that movie no one else wants to see. Bring that fabulous new book your reading to a coffee shop without embarrassment. Be stoked that its Top Model Wednesday and you don't have to justify (or whatever your nerdy indulgence may be). Enjoy a pedicure without the practice of gossip. Do your hippy dance in a crowd of strangers. Just don't fear yourself. You are the most awesome person you know.
And in a attempt to be the most awesome person I know, I am going to try to continue this blog. One of the many things that a learned recently is that I still enjoy writing. Even more so now that I actually have something to write about. And I intend for my Adventures to continue. Join me won't you?
That being said, I'm still taking submissions for best of/worst of and stats. Working on that entry as we speak. You can also comment or simply contact me via whatever means of communication we have already established.
Seriously. How you doin'? I wanna know.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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